Human CD4+ T lymphocytes undergo aging-related changes leading to decreased immunity to infections and neoplasms, and to increased frequency of autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Certain changes, observed in the CD4+ cells of RA patients, resemble those observed during physiological aging, but occur at earlier age. Underlying cellular mechanism(s) of these similarities are so far largely unknown. Here we show that KLOTHO, a β-glucuronidase gene whose activity changes are associated with aging phenotype, is down-regulated at the mRNA, protein, and enzymatic (β-glucuronidase) activity levels both in the healthy elderly and especially in RA CD4+ lymphocytes. Although the exact role of Klotho activity for CD4+ cell function is unknown, we propose here that it might be involved in anti-inflammatory processes occurring in the young and healthy individuals, but reduced in both healthy elderly and RA patients. To support this hypothesis, we show here that the reduction of Klotho expression and activity in both elderly and patients’ lymphocytes occurs in concert with the down-regulation of T cell costimulatory molecule CD28, the latter known to be dependent on increased levels of TNF-α. Thus, a common mechanism of KLOTHO down-regulation, but executed at various times in life, may underlie both physiological and disease-related T cell aging. Klotho activity might become a target of anti-RA drug development as well as a tool to help increase the immune system efficiency in the elderly.