A oxidação de substratos orgânicos é uma importante classe de reações explorada visando a produção de insumos industriais tais como epóxidos, álcoois e cetonas. As metaloporfirinas são compostos com reconhecida atividade catalítica que mimetizam processos de oxidação que ocorrem em seres vivos. A sua imobilização em diferentes sólidos robustos e inertes permite a recuperação e reuso do catalisador em processos catalíticos heterogêneos. Hidróxidos duplos lamelares (LDHs) são materiais inorgânicos constituídos de hidróxidos de metais di e trivalentes, resultando em lamelas bidimensionais carregadas positivamente. Neste trabalho reportamos a preparação de catalisadores baseados na imobilização de ferroporfirina (FeP) em LDH macroporoso (LDHM) obtido pelo método de co-precipitação usando poliestireno como template, reconstrução de óxidos e esfoliação (LDHME). A imobilização da FeP no LDH intercalado com ânions nitrato obtido pelo método de co-precipitação também é reportada. Os sólidos obtidos foram caracterizados e investigados como catalisadores na oxidação do cicloocteno e cicloexano.The oxidation of organic substrates via catalytic routes is an important class of reactions to produce industrial input materials such as epoxides, alcohols, and ketones. Metalloporphyrins display recognized catalytic activity that mimics oxidation processes in living organisms. Their immobilization in different inert supports allows their recovery and reuse in heterogeneous catalytic processes. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are inorganic materials consisting of di-and trivalent metal hydroxides that afford bidimensional positively charged layers. This work reports on the preparation of the solid based on macroporous LDHs (LDHMs) by the co-precipitation method, which involved the use of polystyrene as template, oxides reconstruction, and exfoliation, to furnish LDHME. We also describe the immobilization of an iron(III) porphyrin (FeP) in LDHME and in LDH intercalated with nitrate anions, obtained by the co-precipitation method. Application of the immobilized catalysts in (Z)-cyclooctene and cyclohexane oxidation will help to assess their catalytic activity.
Keywords: porphyrin, macroporous LDH, oxidation, biomimetic reaction, heterogeneous catalysis
IntroductionThe family of enzymes collectively known as cytochrome P450 monooxygenases bear a heme prosthetic group and participate in different catalytic processes, mainly oxidative metabolism of endogenous/exogenous products in mammals. [1][2][3][4][5] Over the last years, researchers have made great efforts to develop routes that can generate robust synthetic metalloporphyrins (MPs), 6-10 aiming to mimic biological enzymes such as cytochrome P450 (biomimetic approach). Indeed, MPs can efficiently and selectively catalyze hydrocarbon oxidation.11 Some of these MPs are based on the structure of meso-tetraphenylporphyrin [H 2 (TPP)].The high efficiency and selectivity of MPs have motivated the proposition of technological catalytic systems based on this versatile family of oxidation ca...