Current synthetic pathwaysf or uranyl peroxide materials introduce high initial concentrations of aqueous H 2 O 2 that decline over time.Alternatively,insitu generation of organic peroxide would maintain constant concentrations of peroxideo ver prolonged periods of time and open new pathwayst on ovel uranyl peroxide compounds.H erein, we demonstrate this concept through the synthesis of ananotubelike uranyl peroxide phosphate (NUPP), Na 12 [(UO 2 )(m-O 2 )-(HPO 4 )] 6 (H 2 O) 40 ,making use of the inhibited autoxidation of benzaldehyde in benzyl alcohol solutions in the presence of phosphonate ligands.The unique feature of NUPP is the bent dihedral angle U-(m-O 2 )-U (123.98 8 AE 0.48 8 to 124.68 8 AE 0.58 8), which allows hexameric uranyl peroxide macrocycles to adopt the nanotubular topology and prevents the formation of nanocapsules.R aman spectroscopyo ft he solution phase confirms our mechanistic understanding of the reaction pathway and confirms that consistent levels of peroxidea re generated in situ over an extended period of time.Uranium peroxide solids were first synthesized from aqueous solutions in 1876 and additional literature precedent supports their prevalence in diverse chemical environments. [1] Early work focused on the formation of uranyl peroxides in engineered systems (e.g.l ight-water reactors), [2,3] but am ore thorough understanding of these phases began with the characterization of the naturally occurring peroxide-containing minerals studtite and metastudtite. [4] Uranium ore deposits emit a-radiation, which can radiolytically split water molecules into hydroxyl and superoxide radicals and ultimately form solid uranyl peroxide phases. [5,6] Additional findings demonstrate that uranyl peroxides are ac omponent of yellow cake [7] and form as an alteration phase on spent fuel rods and corium lavas at the Chernobyl site. [8,9] Based upon the persistence of these phases,u nderstanding the chemistry and speciation of uranyl peroxide compounds in complex systems is of high importance.An expansive number of synthetic uranyl peroxide phases and nanocapsules have been characterized by Burns and coworkers, [6,10,11,13] with additional experimental and computational studies providing ab asis for the formation mechanism. [12] Self-assembly of the nanocapsules is dependent on ab ent dihedral angle for the U-(m-O 2 )-U bond (134.88 8 to 158.48 8) [13] that allows for the required curvature in the spherical, scaphoid, or ellipsoid clusters.D iversity within this system is driven by the ratio of m 2 -OH/m 2 -O 2 bridges, identity of the alkali countercations,a nd presence of inorganic or organic chelators.S ynthetic pathways for these laboratory-based compounds rely upon the direct addition of 30 %a queous H 2 O 2 solution. [13][14][15][16] Shocking the chemical system with high initial amounts of H 2 O 2 under basic conditions results in rapid decomposition [17] and off-gassing during synthesis that decrease the free peroxide concentration over as hort period of time. [16,18] This increases the diversit...