Abstract[Os (bpy) indicating surface based processes were present. Electroactive films of the complex were formed on carbon macroelectrodes by the redox switching of the transition metal within the complex. Voltammetric investigations into the film's behaviour in a range of buffer solutions (pH 2.0, 4.5 and 7.0) were performed. The films were found to possess better stability in acidic pH and the same pH dependence for the tungsten-oxo framework of the heteropolyanions as in solution. Solid state electrochemical measurements on mechanically attached microparticles of the complex were performed, with the effect of both the nature and concentration of the aqueous electrolyte on this behaviour being investigated. Upon redox switching between the Os 2+/3+ redox states there is an associated insertion/expulsion of anions from/to the solution phase. Scanning electron micrographs of these solid state films were attained before and after redox cycling.
Apparatus and ProceduresThe reference electrode that was employed in organic solvents was a silver wire in contact
IR SpectroscopyThe Differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetric (DPASV) experiments were performed so as to confirm the adsorption phenomenon observed in 0.01M electrolyte concentration. Figure 3 illustrates the DPASV of a modified carbon electrode in 0.1M Et 4 NPF 6 after an accumulation step at - As discussed in the previous section the oxidative processes of the Os 2+ centre exhibits characteristics pointing to an interaction between the complex and the electrode surface. As a result a film of the complex could be deposited onto the electrode surface by continuous redox switching through the osmium metal redox couple. Films were formed by cycling the potential of the glassy carbon electrode through the Os 3+/2+ redox process for 250 cycles from 9 a 0.1M TBAPF 6 DMSO solution of the starting complex. Figure 4 [79,80]. Despite the FWHM pointing to the first redox process being monoelectronic we believe it is bielectronic for two reasons. At slower scan rates a slight shoulder has been observed on the first redox process and it is well known that the first two monoelectronic processes are very close in potential. Secondly it is well know that the parent HPA can accept 6 electrons reversibly.The P 2 W 18 O 62 6-Dawson species is stable in pH's from 2.00 to 8.00 and its electrochemical behaviour depends upon the pH of the contacting electrolyte with some of the tungsten-oxo based redox processes involving protonation [75]. As a result we were interested in investigating the effect of solution pH on the redox activity of the film. With increasing pH, the losses. The lower stability of the film towards redox cycling in pH 4.50 is linked to the pH dependent nature of the tungsten-oxo reductions, when at more alkaline pH's the availability of protons which accompany the reductions is less, relative to that in pH 2.00. Scan rate studies were also performed at both pH 2.00 and 4.50, it was found that the peak potentials were independent of scan rate and th...