The conditions for a typical run from the MSL phase two study of transition that was performed in the LENS facility have been analyzed to understand the sensitivity to the freestream conditions of the facility. A simplified analysis technique has been used based on energy accounting to freeze specified portions of the chemical or vibrational energy during the expansion process in the nozzle. The effect of freezing this energy results in increased shock standoff distance that better matches the measured shock shape. Based on several cases, it was found that freezing approximately 42% of the total enthalpy of the flow in the vibration mode results in the best agreement with the measured shock shape. This modified condition also results in significantly better agreement with the measured surface heat transfer at the stagnation point and with the measured pressure at the shoulders of the model. Based on this adjusted freestream condition, the surface heat transfer data shows behavior generally consistent with fully-catalytic recombination on the cold wall. This behavior is consistent with previous results obtained in shock tunnel facilities in carbon dioxide, air, and nitrogen. Although the mechanism causing this frozen energy in the flow has not been identified, the sensitivity of the transition onset point of the flowfield to this phenomenon has been estimated to be less than 10% based on a simple transition criterion.