In the voltammetry of complexes of substituted thiols with Co, Fe and Ni, in which the metals are deposited on the electrode, a new faradaic current appears which increases with decreasing rate of potential scan; it is apparently due to a catalytic evolution of hydrogen.Keywords: Thiol complexes, Iron group metals, Electrodeposition, Slow scan, Hydrogen catalysis Cations, which in the form of aquocomplexes are electroreduced in an irreversible reaction, undergo electroreduction at markedly less negative potentials after entering into complexes with particular ligands, e.g., substituted thiols [1,2]. The complexes are electroreduced in the adsorbed state. The electrode reactions of such complexes are of catalytic nature, as the ligands set free after the reduction combine readily with the aquoions prevailing in the solution and thus regenerate the electroactive form. The complexes of Fe(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) belong to this group. In our study of the voltammetric behavior of substituted thiols with hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) we observed an unusual phenomenon when the ions of iron group metals were added to the solutions containing thiols: at low rates of negative potential scans new reduction peaks appear which, contrary to the usual voltammetric experience, increase considerably with decreasing scan rate. These new peaks, presumably due to catalytic evolution of hydrogen on metals sparingly soluble in mercury and deposited on its surface [3], turned out to be to a certain extent speci®c for the ligands (e.g., there is a marked difference between the voltammetric reactions of cysteine and homocysteine in the presence of Co(II) [4]). In the light of the present results (cf. ®gures in this note) the catalytic evolution of hydrogen on mercury electrodes should not be considered as a nonspeci®c electrode reaction, as has been common till now.In Figure 1 it is shown how the``anomalous'' peak in linear voltammetry develops with decreasing rate of potential scan. The cobalt(II) cysteine complex is reduced in the current step around 7 1.0 V (SCE) which is preceded by an adsorption prestep at about 7 0.88 V. The small wave between 7 1.20 and 7 1.25 V belongs to the Co(II) ions complexed only by the borate anions from the buffer, and the strong current in the negative potential region is due to the``Brdic Ïka type'' catalysis of evolution of hydrogen on mercury by cysteine cobalt complexes [5,6]. When recorded with gradually slower rates of potential scan the voltammetric curve enclosing the described currents ®rst decreases in all its parts; at a scan rate of 20 mV s À1 a new current appears at 7 1.3 V which grows into an ever more prominent peak when the scan rate slows further down while the original currents continue to decrease. Also in other cobalt(II) solutions of thiols in general, between scan rates of 10 and 1 mV s À1 the new peaks increase up to 10 times. Obviously, when the potential changes suf®ciently slowly a new faradaic process can take place at the electrode. In polarography with the dro...