We consider the task of distilling local purity from a noisy quantum state ρ ABC , wherein we provide a protocol for three parties, Alice, Bob and Charlie, to distill local purity (at a rate P ) from many independent copies of a given quantum state ρ ABC . The three parties have access to their respective subsystems of ρ ABC , and are provided with pure ancilla catalytically, i.e., with the promise of returning them unaltered after the end of the protocol. In addition, Alice and Bob can communicate with Charlie using a one-way multiple-access dephasing channel of link rates R 1 and R 2 , respectively. The objective of the protocol is to minimize the usage of the dephasing channel (in terms of rates R 1 and R 2 ) while maximizing the asymptotic purity that can be jointly distilled from ρ ABC . To achieve this, we employ ideas from distributed measurement compression protocols, and in turn, characterize a set of sufficient conditions on pP, R 1 , R 2 q in terms of quantum information theoretic quantities such that P amount of purity can be distilled using rates R 1 and R 2 . Finally, we also incorporate the technique of asymptotic algebraic structured coding, and provide a unified approach of characterizing the performance limits. a measurement apparatus is initialized in a pure state. For this reason, the second law of thermodynamics recognizes purity as indeed a resource [1], [2]. In this regard, the idea of distilling of local purity was first introduced in [3], [4] where the aim was to manipulate the qubits and concentrate the existing diluted form of purity. Two version of this problem have been introduced, (i) a single-party variant and (ii) a distributed version. In the former single-party scenario, also called as local purity concentration, many copies of a noisy state ρ A are provided to Alice, and she aims at concentrating or extracting purity using only unitary operations. The authors in [5] characterized the asymptotic performance limit of this protocol (κpρ A q) as the difference between the number of qubits describing the system and the von Neumann entropy of the state ρ A . For the latter case of distilling purity from a non-local distributed state, commonly termed as local purity distillation, two parties, Alice and Bob, share many copies of the noisy state ρ AB and aim at jointly distilling pure ancilla qubits. Again, they are allowed to perform only local unitaries and but can communicate classically (LOCC), possibly through the use of a dephasing channel [3]. Further, the protocols for both the variants require isolation (Closed-LOCC) from the environment which eliminated the possibility of unlimited consumption of the pure ancilla qubits. The authors in [4] provided bounds for this problem in the one-way and the two-way classical communication scenarios.Later, Devetak in [6] considered a new paradigm called 1-CLOCC 1 , which was defined as an extension of Closed-LOCC, with (i) the allowance of using additional catalytic pure ancilla as long as these are returned back to the system, and (ii) the ...