Inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC; PPase) 1 catalyzes reversible phosphoryl transfer from pyrophosphate (PP i ) to water, a metabolically important reaction chemically similar to that catalyzed by numerous ATPases and GTPases. Yeast PPase is a homodimer containing 286 amino acid residues/ monomer (1) and requiring three or four divalent metal ions for catalysis, with Mg 2ϩ conferring the highest activity (2-5). Two divalent metal ions (M1 and M2) per active site have been identified in the "resting" enzyme by x-ray crystallography and four metal ions (M1-M4) and two phosphates (P1 and P2) in the product complex of Y-PPase (6, 7).PP i hydrolysis by PPase occurs via direct attack of water without formation of a phosphorylated enzyme intermediate (8). Modeling the transition state of the chemical step from the structure of the enzyme-product complex Y-PPase⅐Mn 2 (MnP i ) 2 has led to two models that differ in the identity of the water nucleophile placed between metal ions M1 and M2 in the model of Heikinheimo et al. (6) or in the vicinity of Tyr 93 in the model of Harutyunyan et al. (7,9). Although the former model requires an additional "relaxation" step, in which a new water molecule displaces P i oxygen from the position between M1 and M2, it has an advantage of providing an efficient mechanism for nucleophile activation through combined action of the two metal ions and an adjacent Asp 117 residue (see Fig. 1). In aqueous solution and even in crystalline state, proteins are surrounded with water shells, making identification of function-related water molecules a difficult task. Use of fluoride, a potent and most specific inhibitor of cytoplasmic pyrophosphatase, provides a convenient approach to detect such water molecules because molecules of HF and H 2 O are isoelectronic and of similar size, as are the anions derived therefrom.