Abstract' s.We have completed sequencing segments of the maize mitochondrial (ret) DNA that contains all five of the exons (A-E) of the gene (nadl) for subunit I of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase. Analysis of these sequences indicates that exons B and C are joined by a continuous group 11intron, but the remaining exons are associated with partial group H introns and are encoded at widely separated locations in the maize mtDNA molecule. Production of mature nadl gene transcripts is postulated to involve both cis-splicing of the b/c intron and trans-splicing of each of the other three introns. In the partial We intron upstream from exon E is encoded a gene (mat-r) for a protein related to fungal maturases. From comparison of the maize split d/e intron, and the soybean continuous d/e intron it was found that the location at which the maize dle intron underwent rearrangement is marked by a repeated 8 nt sequence on each intron half. Interestingly, there is a 9 or 10 nt repeat on each of the two halves of the a/b and c/d introns. We have shown that mature transcripts of the maize nadl gene contain 23 edited (CŨ ) nucleotides and that transcripts of maize and soybean mat-r genes contain 15 and 14 C~U edits, respectively. The majority of edits in nadl transcripts result in amino acid replacements that increase similarity between the maize NAD1 protein and NAD1 proteins of other plant species and of animal species. Edits in mat-r transcripts result in an increase in amino acid similarity of the maize and soybean MAT-R proteins to each other, and of each of these proteins to fungal and bryophyte maturases.We found that the intron between exons b and c is not edited. Edits in other introns are rare and have so far been detected only in domain 6 regions. Unspliced transcripts of exon C and of exon E are partially edited, confirming that editing can precede both cis-and trans-splicing.From data obtained using PCR and sequencing we have shown that transcripts containing all possible exon combinations exist in maize mitochondria. This supports the view that splicing of maize nadl exons can occur in any order, Wd that mans-splicing of exons can occur in advance of cis-splicing of exons B and C. Also, we obtained evidence that the relative rates of splicing are greater for B+C and C+D exons, than for A+B and D+E exons.Attempts made to induce cis-splicing in vitro of the B and C exons by excision of the continuous intron between them have been unsuccessful.Comparisons of nadl, nad2 and nad5 intron sequences have been made to gain information on intron interrelationships.
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* .A pseudo-mat-r gene was detected (using degenerate primers and PCR reactions), sequenced, and mapped on the maize (normal) mtDNA molecule. : 7-10-92 to 7-9-96 Objectives of the Proposed WorkThe major objective for the work outline at the time of the original application was to learn about the structur...