To demonstrate two techniques of achieving stable Intraocular lens fixation in patients with anterior megalophthalmos
Video-based description of two cases of anterior megalophthalmos in which phacoemulsification was performed and a PCIOL was implanted, highlighting the difficulties in cataract surgery in these cases.
In the first case with advanced megalophthalmos, the patient underwent phacoemulsification and the PCIOL was scleral-fixated. The second case had optic capture of the IOL within the anterior capsulorrhexis resulting in stable IOL.
Phacoemulsification in anterior megalophthalmos requires careful planning to overcome hyper-deep anterior chamber, loose lens-zonular complex. In-the-bag insertion of standard posterior chamber IOL is unsatisfactory as it is likely to decenter and scleral fixation of IOL and optic capture of the IOL within the anterior capsulorrhexis are technically simple procedures which results in a stable IOL postoperatively.