Introduction : Catatonic schizophrenia (Cata: disturbed, tonic: tone) is distinguished by a substantial disturbance of motor behaviour. Excited catatonia, stuporous catatonia, and catatonia oscillating between excitement and stupor are the three clinical types. The inflammation of brain tissue is known as encephalitis. It might happen along the peripheral nerves or across the olfactory mucosa. Encephalitis can also be caused by an immune reaction. Case Presentation : A 14 years old child brought in AVBRH with the chief complaint of fever, cough, and cold since 8 days. Decreased oral intake since 2 days, irrelevant talk since 2 day. As narrated by the mother, patient was apparently well till 2 days, then patient had fever which was gradually onset, high grade, also chills and rigors, intermittent, vomiting, headache- throbbing in nature, abdominal pain, patient went to local practitioner for the some complaint where medication for fever and medication was given. Complete blood count (CBC) Initially lab test shows, Urine analysis, MRI Brain (plain and contrast) revels: no significant abnormally is seen. Electroencephalogram (EEG)-Abnormal EEG record. Antibiotics, corticosteroids, antacids, anti-convulsant, anti-psychotics, and multivitamins were given to the patient. Monitor all vital signs, checked and recorded intake and output, administered medication as prescribed. Conclusion : The patient was admitted in AVBRH with chief complaint of with the chief complaint of fever, cough, and cold, decreased oral intake, high grad fever vomiting, headache- throbbing in nature, abdominal pain, decreased oral intake and irrelevant talk. Members of the health team began therapy very away, and the patient’s condition is presently satisfactory.