Knowledge about the electronic motion in molecules is essential for our understanding of chemical reactions and biological processes. The advent of attosecond techniques opens up the possibility to induce electronic motion, observe it in real time, and potentially steer it. A fundamental question remains the factors influencing electronic decoherence and the role played by nuclear motion in this process. Here, we simulate the dynamics upon ionization of the polyatomic molecules paraxylene and modified bismethylene-adamantane, with a quantum mechanical treatment of both electron and nuclear dynamics using the direct dynamics variational multiconfigurational Gaussian method. Our simulations give new important physical insights about the expected decoherence process. We have shown that the decoherence of electron dynamics happens on the time scale of a few femtoseconds, with the interplay of different mechanisms: the dephasing is responsible for the fast decoherence while the nuclear overlap decay may actually help maintain it and is responsible for small revivals. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.083001 Electronic motion initiates specific rearrangements of atoms in molecules that are responsible for chemical reactions and biological processes. Because of the advent of attosecond techniques [1,2], it is possible to induce electron dynamics in molecules. Observing and potentially steering electronic motion on its natural time scale may provide novel pathways towards controlling chemical processes [3][4][5][6][7][8]. Since the electron distribution is usually considered to be changing much faster than the nuclear geometry, many theoretical studies treat molecular electron dynamics upon ionization as a purely electronic process, at a single static nuclear geometry [9][10][11][12]: long-lived oscillatory charge migration is then predicted. The fixed-nuclei and single-geometry approximations have however limited validity [13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. The fundamental challenge is to understand to what extent the electronic wave packet retains its coherence, i.e., how long the oscillations in the electronic density survive, in the presence of interactions with the nuclear degrees of freedom.Using a semiclassical description for the coupled systembath evolution, Fiete and Heller identified three processes that contribute to decoherence of the quantum system [20]: (i) system wave packet displacement, (ii) bath overlap decay, and (iii) phase jitter. In the context of molecular electron dynamics, the "system" consists of the electrons and the "bath" of the nuclei. The three mechanisms above can respectively be interpreted as (i) change in the electronic state populations, (ii) decrease of the overlap between the nuclear wave packets on different electronic states, and (iii) dephasing of the different wave packet components. The importance of these mechanisms on the coherent electron dynamics upon molecular ionization remains an outstanding question, that we aim to address in the present Letter.Previous works showed that the n...