Hardly any software development process is used as prescribed by authors or standards. Regardless of company size or industry sector, a majority of project teams and companies use hybrid development methods (short: hybrid methods) that combine different development methods and practices. Even though such hybrid methods are highly individualized, a common understanding of how to systematically construct synergetic practices is missing. In this article, we make a first step towards a statistical construction procedure for hybrid methods. Grounded in 1467 data points from a large-scale practitioner survey, we study the question: What are hybrid methods made of and how can they be systematically constructed? Our findings show that only eight methods and few practices build the core of modern software development. Using an 85% agreement level in the participants' selections, we provide examples illustrating how hybrid methods can be characterized by the practices they are made of. Furthermore, using this characterization, we develop an initial construction procedure, which allows for defining a method frame and enriching it incrementally to devise a hybrid method using ranked sets of practice. K E Y W O R D S hybrid methods, software development, software process, survey research 1 | INTRODUCTION Today, companies often use highly individualized processes to run projects, often by integrating agile methods in their processes. For instance, Dikert et al 1 found choosing and customizing an agile model to be an important success factor and that agility in general changed the way software is developed. Dingsøyr et al 2 reflect on a decade of agile methodologies, and there is no denial that agile methods have become an important asset in many companies' process portfolios. 3-6 However, agile methods are not implemented as prescribed by authors or standards, 7,8 and in 2011, West et al 9 coined the term "Water-Scrum-Fall" to describe a pattern that they claimed most companies implement for their software projects.