llp-acetate, if present, is retained, as shown by conversion of prednisolone 1l117,21-triacetate (3) into 16,17-anhydroprednisolone 1l121-diacetate ( 6 ) , a new compound. The method is also applicable in the 4-en-%one series, and cortisol 17,al-diacetate (4) gave 16,17anhydrocortisol 21-acetate (7). 0 II 0 II CHZOCCHS CH,O&H~ I I c=o c=o 1, A'; R1 = H R, = O=CCH3 2, A'; R1 = H; Rz = O=C(CHJ4CH3 3, A'; Rl = R, = O=CCH, 5, A'; R1 = H 6, A'; R1 = O=CCH, 7,R1=H 4, RI = H R, O=CCH3 0 II CH,OH CH,&CH,Sodium acetate was not so effective as potassium acetate. Sodium formate, calcium carbonate, and calcium acetate in dimethylformamide failed. Potassium acetate in dimethyl sulfoxide and simple pyrolysis were also ineffective.The 17a-acylates are conveniently prepared through the 17a,21 ortho estersS by heating the ortho ester at 45-50' with oxalic acid-water-methanol for 5 min. However, a major weakness of this reported method is formation of the isomeric 17-hydroxy-21-acylate. Gardi, et a l l 3 attribute formation of the isomer to acyl migration from the 17 to the 21 position after cleavage of the ortho ester. We have found that hydrolysis can be effected in a pH 3 phthalate buffer without acyl migration, even on prolonged exposure. Thus hydrolysis of prednisolone 17,21-orthoacetate (8), with pH 3 phthalate buffer in aqueous methanol was complete in 8 hr a t 25". The ratio of 17a-acetate to 21acetate (9 to 10) was estimated to be 9: 1 by thin layer chromatography. The ratio did not change in an additional 64 hr. Using the oxalic acid-aqueous methanol procedure the isomer ratio was 8 : 2 after 5 min of reaction.
Experimental SectionAll melting points were taken in open-end glass capillary tubes and are uncorrected. Thin layer chromatograms were visualized by charring, after spraying with sulfuric acid. 1,4,16-Pregnatriene-1 lp-,2 l-diol-3,2O-dione 2 1-Acetate (16,17-Anhydroprednisolone 21-Acetate, 5). A. F r o m 1,4-Pregnadiene-1 lp, 17a,21-triol-3,20-dione 17,21-Diacetate (l).-A mixture of 1 (21 g, 0.0472 mol), anhydrous potassium acetate (10.5 g, 1.07 mol), and dimethylformamide (140 ml) was stirred at 105" for 7.5 hr in an atmosphere of nitrogen. After cooling to 25', the mixture was poured into ice water (1.2 1.) with stirring. After 15 min of stirring, the precipitated solid was collected by filtra-R. Gardi, R. Vitali, and A. Erooli, Gazs. Chim. Ital., 98, 413 (1963). (4) R . Gardi, R. Vitali, and A. Erooli, ibid., 98, 431 (1963). tion, washed with water, and dried to constant weight in vacuo. The yield of 16,17-anhydroprednisolone 21-acetate (5) was 16.8 g (92.8%), mp 197-200', uv max (MeOH) 242 mp (e 23,100), indicating 97% purity. Tlc using either chloroform-acetone (7: 3) or ethyl ether-benzene (9:l) showed only a single spot. Recrystallization from isopropyl alcohol (81.2% recovery) raised the melting point to 205-207' (lit.6 mp 208-209'), uv max (MeOH) 242 mp ( E 23,800). Anal. Calcd for CtaHzsOs: C, 71.85; H, 7.34. Found: C, 71.86; H, 7.25. o m l,4-Pregnadiene-llp,17a,2l-triol-3,20-dione-l7caproate 2 1-Acetate...