MSC (2000)03G99, 18C15, 08C05, 08B05, 68N30In this note, it is shown that, given a π-institution I = Sign, SEN, C , with N a category of natural transformations on SEN, every theory family T of I includes a unique largest theory system ← T of I. ← T satisfies the important property that its N -Leibniz congruence system always includes that of T . As a consequence, it is shown, on the one hand, that the relation Ω N ( ← T ) = Ω N (T ) characterizes N -protoalgebraicity inside the class of N -prealgebraic π-institutions and, on the other, that all N -Leibniz theory families associated with theory families of a protoalgebraic π-institution I are in fact N -Leibniz theory systems.