In this paper we look at two categories, the category F of fuzzy subsets and a quotient category F=M of fuzzy sets. The category F=M is an extension of the category of sets, and the standard constructions in fuzzy set theory arise naturally within this category.
IntroductionIn Zadeh's presentation of fuzzy set theory [12], he used a number of categorical concepts such as product. However, a categorical setting was not strictly defined, and a number of settings have since been proposed in which most of the concepts described by Zadeh become categorical. One of the first settings was put forth by Goguen [4][5][6]. He defined a category Set V ð Þ of V-sets for any partially ordered set V, where a V-set is a function A : X ! V from a set X to V, and a morphism A ! B of V-sets A :Þ for all x 2 X. Composition is ordinary composition of functions. With V a singleton, this gives the category of sets; and with V ¼ 0; 1 ½ this provides a setting for classical fuzzy subsets. He also gives a list of six axioms that determine the categories Set V ð Þ for completely distributive lattices V, up to isomorphism of categories.Goguen has shown that the category Set 0; 1 ½ ð Þ yields the standard definitions of union, intersection and product of fuzzy sets, and is both complete and cocomplete. We call Set 0; 1 ½ ð Þ the category of fuzzy subsets, as an object A : X ! 0; 1 ½ is known as a fuzzy subset of the ''universe of discourse'' X. In Sect. 2, we look at the category Set 0; 1 ½ ðÞin detail and develop a number of its properties. Barr [1] also considers the category Set 0; 1 ½ ð Þ, which he calls Fuz 0; 1 ½ ð Þ. He points out some problems with the category Set 0; 1 ½ ð Þ, including the awkward fact that two morphisms that agree except on elements of degree of membership 0 are not equal. Also, the category is not a topos, causing problems for developing logical structures.(See [7][8][9][10][11].) M. Barr embeds Set 0; 1 ½ ð Þin a topos, a category of sheaves which is its ''effective completion.'' He also briefly considers the subcategory Fuz 0 V ð Þ of V-sets A : X ! V with A x ð Þ 6 ¼ 0 and defines a similar embedding. The subcategory Fuz 0 0; 1 ½ ðÞprovides a solution to the first objection.In Sect. 3, we give a general description of the quotient category construction. Then in Sect. 4 we develop the properties of the quotient category Set 0; 1 ½ ð Þ=M and the subcategory Fuz 0 V ð Þ of Set 0; 1 ½ ð Þ. We show that Fuz 0 V ð Þ is equivalent to a certain quotient category Set 0; 1 ½ ð Þ=M in which two functions that agree except on elements of degree of membership 0 are identified. We call either of these (equivalent) categories the category of fuzzy sets. We show that this quotient category also yields the standard definitions of union, intersection and product of fuzzy sets, and is both complete and cocomplete. Although this category fails to be a topos, making it deficient from the point of view of logic, these two representations are much simpler to work with than categories of sheaves, and seem adequate for carrying out muc...