This paper develops practical summation techniques in ZXW calculus to reason about quantum dynamics, such as unitary time evolution. First we give a direct representation of a wide class of sums of linear operators, including arbitrary qubits Hamiltonians, in ZXW calculus. As an application, we demonstrate the linearity of the Schrödinger equation and give a diagrammatic representation of the Hamiltonian in Greene-Diniz et al [13], which is the first paper that models carbon capture using quantum computing. We then use the Cayley-Hamilton theorem to show in principle how to exponentiate arbitrary qubits Hamiltonians in ZXW calculus. Finally, we develop practical techniques and show how to do Taylor expansion and Trotterization diagrammatically for Hamiltonian simulation. This sets up the framework for using ZXW calculus to the problems in quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics.