Shelah has provided sufficient conditions for an Lω 1 ,ω -sentence ψ to have arbitrarily large models and for a Morley-like theorem to hold of ψ. These conditions involve structural and set-theoretic assumptions on all the ℵn's. Using tools of Boney, Shelah, and the second author, we give assumptions on ℵ 0 and ℵ 1 which suffice when ψ is restricted to be universal:(1) If ψ is categorical in ℵ 0 and 1 ≤ I(ψ, ℵ 1 ) < 2 ℵ 1 , then ψ has arbitrarily large models and categoricity of ψ in some uncountable cardinal implies categoricity of ψ in all uncountable cardinals.(2) If ψ is categorical in ℵ 1 , then ψ is categorical in all uncountable cardinals.The theorem generalizes to the framework of Lω 1 ,ω -definable tame abstract elementary classes with primes.