Oral Presentations
P125Objectives: Propose and validate a scoring system of the findings of sleep nasopharyngoscopy (SNP) for children with sleep disordered breathing (SBD).
Methods:We conducted an inter-and intra-rater agreement study on video documentations of SNP performed on children (non-syndromic or dysmorphic) presenting with SDB. Videos used represented different types of pharyngeal findings including normal, collapse, mixed picture, or obstruction. Three "non-expert" raters at various stages in their otolaryngological career rated the videos twice and independently. One calculation assumed equal spacing between categories, the second assumed unequal spacing between the first and the second two based on need for surgical intervention.Results: Sixty-three videos were rated by each observer (2 weeks apart). None were syndromic or dysmorphic patients. Intraobserver agreement was 0.6442 ± 0.0835 (95%CI 0.4806-0.8078), 0.7373 ± 0.0718 (95%CI 0.5965-0.8781), 0.5853 ± 0.0789 (95%CI 0.4306-0.74), for raters 1, 2, and 3. Weighted kappa was 0.593 ± 0.1864 (95%CI 0.2277-0.9583), 0.85 ± 0.0884 (95%CI 0.6848-1), 0.79 ± 0.0772 (95%CI 0.6458-0.9506), respectively. Inter-rater agreements between raters 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4 were 0.8304 ± 0.0604 (95%CI 0.7119-0.9489), 0.5168 ± 0.0827 (95%CI 0.3546-0.697), and 0.5306 ± 0.0829 (95%CI 0.368-0.693), respectively. Weighted kappa was 0.81 ± 0.1504 (95%CI 0.5231-1), 0.72 ± 0.1147 (95%CI 0.5-0.95), and 0.6658 ± 0.052 (95%CI 0.5253-0.8), respectively.Conclusions: This is the first proposed scoring method for SNP in children. It is based on a generic interpretation of SNP into four types. Overall reproducibility among the three raters and their agreement was good.
Rhinology/AllergyAcute Dacryocystitis with Empyema of the Lacrimal sac: is immediate Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy Justified? Davide Lombardi, MD (presenter); Davide Mattavelli, MD; Francesco Semeraro, MD; Piero Nicolai, MD Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (endoDCR) in the treatment of acute dacryocystitis with lacrimal sac empyema (ADLSE).Methods: Design: Single center cohort study. Setting: Academic tertiary center. Patients: Twenty-one consecutive patients who underwent endoDCR for ADLSE between August 2005 and December 2012 were included. Main outcome measures: The success of the procedure was defined as complete complaint relief and DCR patency. Time from referral to surgery, post-operative complications, and revision surgery data were also reported.
Results:The present cohort of patients included 3 males (14.3%) and 18 females (85.7%) (median age: 66 years).Median time between referral and surgery was 0 days (mean: 0.86 days). Median follow-up was 12 months. All patients showed immediate relief from symptoms, with no recurrences of ADSLE. Complete success was achieved in 20 of 21 (95.2%) cases; the only failure was recorded in a patient who had previously undergone radio-iodine treatment. In this case also revision endoDCR was not successful. The only perioperative comp...