Reading fosters a global perspective for pupils to hurdle through upcoming challenges. The rapid technological advancements have underscored the necessity for pupils to possess wellrounded competencies, thereby highlighting the paramount significance of strong reading skills. Consequently, teachers seek innovative ways to improve reading competencies by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Numerous studies have been conducted on reading skills, AI technology and material development. Yet, studies on developing personalised reading materials for Malaysian primary school pupils using ChatGPT remain uncharted. Henceforth, this review established an understanding of developing personalised reading materials and the research gap and future directions. Three dominant databases were utilised in this review: Google Scholar, Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) and ResearchGate in the compilation of the research articles. An extensive search was carried out by using phrases to compile the articles on the topic. This review synthesised findings of 50 journal articles (between 2019 and 2023) based on identified selected criteria to consolidate understanding on personalised reading materials and the role of AI technology. The findings indicated that reading skills remain important to advance pupils in the globalised world. AI technology such as ChatGPT can be utilised in teaching and learning and it is aligned with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Sustainable Development Goals and the concept of Malaysia Madani. The stakeholders should consider establishing guidelines for primary and secondary schools to use the technology ethically. Hence, the technology has the potential to leverage pupils' reading competencies.