Original ArticleAortic stenosis accounts for 5-6% of the congenital heart diseases and clearly predominates in the male sex 1 . The presence of commissural fusion with a variable thickening and a reduction in the mobility of the valvular leaflets are almost constant anatomic findings 1 . Association with a bicuspid valve is also frequent 1 . Longitudinal studies about the natural history of the disease suggest that the intervention is indicated in the presence of severe stenosis, which is defined by clinical, electrocardiographic, and hemodynamic findings 2 . Surgical valvulotomy has always been the classic therapeutic method considered the gold standard. With the evolution of interventional techniques from the mid 1980s onwards, balloon valvuloplasty started to be used in the initial treatment of aortic stenosis in different age groups with satisfactory short-and midterm results . We report the experience of the teams at the Instituto Dante Pazzanese and the Hospital do Coração with this type of approach.
MethodsValvuloplasty was performed in conditions of severe stenosis, classically defined by the presence of a peak-topeak systolic gradient 30,31 detected in the catheterization room or derived from echocardiography 32,33 > 70 mmHg, or, when electrocardiographic alterations (of the T wave or ST segment) or clinical symptoms (dizziness and syncope with no other causes; significant chest pain) were present, a peak-to-peak systolic gradient > 50 mmHg. The procedure was also performed in neonates or young infants (between 1 and 6 months of age) with aortic stenosis and severe ventricular dysfunction, independent of the transvalvular gradient, because in that situation that gradient is underestimated due to the low systemic cardiac output. Valvuloplasty was contraindicated in the presence of moderate and severe aortic regurgitation, of other associated intracardiac lesions requiring immediate surgery, and of a hypoplastic left ventricle requiring palliative surgery, within a therapeutic
Objective -To report short and midtem follow-up results of balloon aortic valvuloplasty to treat congenital aortic stenosis.
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