A prospective comparative observational study was performed to assess the short--term efficacy and safety of the peri-saphenous infiltration of tumescence solution (PST) in great saphenous vein (GSV) long catheter foam sclerotherapy (LCFS) combined with phlebectomy of the varicose tributaries. Since November 2006 through November 2010 fifty-one consecutive patients (16 males and 35 females, mean age 51.5 years) who underwent LCFS of GSV + multiple phlebectomies were prospectively enrolled, without any pre-selection criteria, in three different groups (17 patients per group) and reviewed as to their outcomes: i) patients without additional PST; ii) with PST under visual control; iii) with ultrasound-guided PST. All procedures were performed in local anesthesia and an average of 7 mL [interquartile range (IQR) 6.5-7.5] of 3% sodiumtetradecylsulfate CO2+O2-based sclerosant foam was injected in the diseased segment of GSV (median caliber 7) (IQR 6-8) by means of a 4F long catheter. Clinical and color-duplex ultrasound (CDU) follow-up was performed at regular intervals, the last of which 14 months after the treatment.At 14 months follow-up no varicose veins were visible in 94%, 94% and 100% of the cases in group I, II and III respectively. The CDUbased outcomes were the following: 71%, 71% and 84% GSV occlusion rate in group I, II and III respectively; reflux was found in 5, 4 and 1 cases in group I, II and III respectively. Clinical and CDU morphologic and hemodynamic results were assembled and scored through an arbitrary system. The relative statistical analysis showed a significant (P<0.0001) improvement of the results for patients who received ultrasound guided PST over the other two groups. No relevant complications were recorded in all 51 cases.GSV treatment by means of LCFS + phlebectomy of varicose tributaries proved to be effective and safe in this prospective observational study. The addition of ultrasound guided PST resulted in a significant improvement of GSV occlusion rate and of varicose vein clinical resolution.