Using an atomic-absorption spectral analysis technique, we determined the concentrations of helium atoms in states 2 1 S, 2 1 P, 2 3 S, and 2 3 P in an atmospheric-pressure glow discharge in helium (99.98%) and in a mixture of helium with nitrogen (99.5%He+0.5%N 2 ). It is shown that the population of the lower excited levels of helium atoms (n = 2) in its mixture with nitrogen is almost an order of magnitude smaller than in the case of a discharge in helium. The maximum of the concentration of excited atoms in a discharge both in helium and in its mixture with nitrogen is in the cathode region at a distance of about 0.1 mm from the cathode. The reaction of quenching of excited helium atoms by nitrogen molecules is responsible for the sharp decrease in the concentration of He(n = 2) on addition of nitrogen into helium.Keywords: atmospheric-pressure glow discharge, gas discharge, spectral analysis, excited atom, metastable atom.
Introduction.Investigations of discharges at atmospheric pressure are carried out mainly in application to specific forms of gas discharge (barrier discharge, capillary discharge, microdischarge with a hollow cathode atmosphericpressure d.c. glow discharge (APGD)) and are determined by the need for creating new equipment and technologies as well as by the necessity of solving fundamental problems of gas-discharge physics. As a working gas in discharges in helium at atmospheric pressure, helium with admixtures of other gases is usually used [1]. In [2], it is shown that small additions (,1%) of admixtures of other gases play an important role in the stability of a barrier discharge. Based on numerical simulation it is stated in [3] that in the case of a discharge in helium at atmospheric pressure, in contrast to a low pressure, even residual gaseous admixtures with a concentration of about 0.5⋅10 -4 % exert a substantial effect on the plasma composition and discharge parameters. However, at the present time there is no detailed understanding of the dynamics of plasma, the basic physical and chemical mechanisms, and the discharge structure in mixtures of gases at atmospheric pressure, which first of all is explained by the insufficiency of the experimental evidence and sometimes by its controversy.The energy of the first excited levels of the helium atom (n = 2) is equal to about 0.8 of the ionization potential (E i = 24.59 eV). Because of this, the lower excited levels of helium play the key role in the process of stepwise ionization, with the role of the given mechanism of ionization in APGD being much higher than in a low-pressure glow discharge (LPGD). In electric fields (E/N 0 ≤ 10 -15 V⋅cm 2 ), stepwise ionization in APGD represents a more substantial process than direct ionization by an electron shock at an ionization degree ≥10 -5 even when radiation is emitted freely [4]. Naturally, reabsorption increases the effectiveness of stepwise ionization. In addition to ionization processes, the lower excited levels of helium also participate in many plasmachemical reactions; therefore their...