Most electron sources are used to create a single beam. For high resolution instruments such as electron microscopes and electron lithography machines, most of the current that is emitted by the source is cut away by apertures. The typical emission current from a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) impregnated tungsten source is hundreds of milli-amperes and from a Schottky source (field assisted emission from a ZrO covered tungsten tip) is tens of microamperes, while the typical beam currents in high resolution instruments are pico-amperes up to tens of nano-amperes. This means there is room to use these sources for creating hundreds of sub-beams, at the same brightness (A/m 2 srV) as the single beam.The weak point of single beam high resolution systems is their intrinsically low current, which is a great disadvantage when using these systems for patterning purposes such as traditional electron beam lithography or electron-beam-induced deposition of precursor gases. There have been many projects to create multi beam systems by using arrays of electron sources, either photo emitters, or carbon nano tubes, or cold field emitters. So far, these projects have failed because the required uniformity and stability of beam properties from the different sources in the array could not be obtained.We have been involved in the development of multi beam systems using a single source to obtain hundreds of beams. A crucial requirement of the source is that the emission current density on the surface of the emitter is uniform, since every sub beam comes from a different part of the surface. For high current sources this can be achieved by running in the space-charge limited emission regime, because the space charge layer smoothes out all non-uniformities. In a set-up as depicted in fig. 1 , we have shown [1] that it is possible to create an array of sub-beams from an impregnated tungsten cathode with brightness values up to 106 Alm 2 srY. This system is now under development to produce 13.000 sub-beams and in a next stage 500.000 sub-beams.To obtain higher brightness, we use a Schottky source. This source is operated at I800K in a strong electrostatic field. The thermodynamics of this combination of temperature and field creates a clean crystal facet with very uniform emission properties, so again this fulfills our requirements for creating a multi beam system. In this case the maximum number of beams is limited because of the limited total emission current of a Schottky source. An optical complication for this source is that one cannot use a simple aperture plate to create multiple beams and then use a collimator lens to send the beams into the electron optics system. The chromatic deflection error of the collimator lens would be larger than the virtual source size of the Schottky emitter, which is about 30 nm. Our solution is to place an aperture lens in the diverging beam[2], focusing the sub beams into the plane of the collimator lens, see fig.2. We have shown [3] that it is possible to transport 196 beams through a scanning electron mi...