Abstract--Adsorption of Cu 2+ and Co 2+ by synthetic imogolite, synthetic allophanes with a range of SiO2/ A1203 ratios, and allophanic clay fractions from volcanic ash soils was measured in an ionic medium of 0.05 M Ca(NO3) 2. The effect ofpH (and metal concentration) on adsorption was qualitatively similar for the synthetic and natural allophanes with relatively minor changes in behavior caused by variable SLOE/ A1203 ratios. Cu and Co were chemisorbed by aUophane at pH 5.0-5.5 and 6.9-7.2 (pH values for 50% adsorption level), respectively, with concomitant release of 1.6-1.9 protons/metal ion adsorbed. Quantitatively, adsorption by imogolite was less than that by the allophanes, presumably because of fewer sites available for chemisorption on the tubular structure of imogolite. Electron spin resonance studies of the imogolite and allophanes revealed that Cu 2 § was adsorbed as a monomer on two types of surface sites. The preferred sites were likely adjacent A1OH groups binding Cu 2+ by a binuclear mechanism; weaker bonding occurred at isolated A1OH or SiOH groups. These chemisorbed forms of Cu E+ were readily extracted by EDTA, CHaCOOH, and metals capable of specific adsorption, but were not exchangeable. In addition, the H20 and/or OH-ligands of chemisorbed Cu E+ were readily displaced by NH3, with the formation of ternary Cu-ammonia-surface complexes.