The charge-reservoir oxygen model of superconductivity predicts a critical temperature of T c Ϸ30 K for R 1.5 Ce 0.5 Sr 2 Cu 2 M O 10 (R222M -10) ͑with RϭEu, Sm, and Nd, and M ϭTa and Nb͒, in agreement with the measured values Ϸ28 K. The model also successfully predicts RBa 2 Cu 2 M O 8 (R122M -8) to be an insulator. Other predictions for R222M -10 in need of testing are ͑i͒ it is a p-type superconductor; ͑ii͒ the superconductivity originates primarily in the Sr-O layers, not in the cuprate-planes; ͑iii͒ on cuprate-plane Cu sites, of order ϳ1% Ni should depress T c to zero, while about six times as much Zn will be required to destroy superconductivity; ͑iv͒ magnetic impurities on Cu sites and Sr sites, but not rare-earth sites, will break Cooper pairs; ͑v͒ Pr on Sr sites will suppress T c ; ͑vi͒ the failure of Pr 1.5 Ce 0.5 Sr 2 Cu 2 M O 10 to superconduct is due to the antistructure defect (Pr Sr ϩ3 ,Sr Pr ϩ2 ); ͑vii͒ T c is small because the primary superconducting condensate in the charge-reservoir Sr-O layers is only Ϸ2 Å from the cuprate-planes; and ͑viii͒ the superconductivity should disappear with heavy Ce doping (z→1) in R 2Ϫz Ce z Sr 2 Cu 2 M O 10 . The relationships of R222M -10 to R122M -8, RBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 , and R 2Ϫz Ce z CuO 4 are discussed. ͓S0163-1829͑98͒10517-9͔