The completion of this dissertation would not have been possible without support from many individuals. Foremost, I would like to express immense gratitude to my amazing advisor Dr. Daniel Fologea, who not only encouraged and supported me, but also provided me with all the freedom and flexibility to carry out my research projects. His enthusiasm, intelligence, passion, contagious energy, and cheerful personality have always been my motivational force and have made all of these years a pleasant journey. My ambition of getting a doctoral degree would not have been possible if he hadn't welcomed me in his lab, believed in me and my ability to succeed. I am indebted to him forever for all the tremendous support he bestowed on me during my Ph.D. endeavor. I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my other advisor, Dr. Juliette Tinker, for her invaluable advice, dedication, and friendly nature. Her support and motivation have always provided me with confidence to move forward with my graduate degree. I would also like to thank Dr. Denise Wingett for her expert advice, support, encouragement, and her warm welcoming personality. I would like to deeply acknowledge Dr. Xinzhu Pu for his meticulous training with mass spectroscopy techniques and all his guidance and support during my Ph.D. training. My graduate journey would have been a turbulent voyage without the financial support from the Biomolecular Sciences Graduate Program and the Biomolecular Research Center (BRC) at Boise State University. My sincere thanks to the BRC for two years of fellowships and all of the generous grants, training, and support, without which vi the completion of my research would not have been possible. I would like to thank Raquel Brown for training me in confocal microscopy, and for all of her warmness and supportive nature. I am also grateful to Dr. Julie Oxford for supporting me in my graduate endeavor. My deepest and sincere thanks to Dr. Rebecca Hermann for her help with my Jurkat cells experiments and for training me in flow cytometry. My time at Boise State University would not have been enjoyable without my extremely amusing and incredibly smart colleagues Sheenah Bryant,