Let Ω be a bounded pseudoconvex domain in C n , and let gΩ(z, a) be the pluricomplex Green function with pole at a in Ω. B locki and Zwonek conjectured that the function given byis nondecreasing, and that the function given byis convex. Here λn is the Lebesgue measure in C n . In this note we give an affirmative answer to these conjectures when Ω is biholomorphic to a bounded, balanced, and pseudoconvex domain in C n , n ≥ 1. The aim of this note is to consider generalizations of the functions α, β defined by the Green function with two poles in D ⊂ C. We prove that α is not nondecreasing, and β is not convex. By using the product property for pluricomplex Green functions, we then generalize this to n-dimensions. Finally, we end this note by considering two other possibilities generalizing the B locki-Zwonek conjectures.Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 32A25; Secondary 32U35.