espermatozoides bovinos imaturos já estivessem ativas desde o início da maturação, produzindo energia e EROs. Além disso, a correlação nos mostra o papel protetor da SOD contra à peroxidação lipídica. Paralelamente, sugerimos que a gota participe firmemente da ativação da motilidade e desempenhe papel antioxidante contra as EROs. Assim, concluímos que as modificações celulares inerentes ao processo de maturação e a presença da gota citoplasmática sejam cruciais no status oxidativo e metabólico de espermatozoides bovinos imaturos, afim desenvolver a capacidade fecundante do espermatozoide.
Palavras-chave: Espermatozoides bovinos. Maturação espermática. Status oxidativo. Status Metabólico. Gota citoplasmática. ABSTRACT SILVA, B. C. S. Study of energetic metabolism during sperm maturation in cattle. [Estudo do metabolismo energético durante a maturação espermática em bovinos]. 2018. 87 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) -Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2018. Spermatogenesis is an orchestrated and coordinated process by which sperm are produced. In the end of this process, the excess cytoplasm present in the spermatids is phagocytosed, remaining a called cytoplasmic droplet. Spermatozoa in the stage of maturation present cytoplasmic droplet, which migrates from the proximal region to more distal regions in sperm cell. Studies relate the cytoplasmic remnant to the antioxidant protection and to metabolic activation of immature sperma. The physiological mechanisms of maturation and the oxidative and metabolic status of bovine epididymal cells are poorly elucidated. Thus, two experiments aimed to characterize the oxidative and metabolic status of bovine sperm during epididymal maturation, and the possible cytoplasmic droplet roles involved in this process. For this, sperm samples were recovered from the three epididymal segments (Caput, corpus and cauda) and submitted to spermatic kinetics analysis (CASA) and morphofunctional tests. The activities of the antioxidant enzymes SOD and GPx were evaluated and the levels of ATP in each epididymal sample. Sperm cells recovered from the cauda of the epididymis showed a higher percentage of motile and progressive cells and high levels of ATP compared to the other groups.Cells from the corpus showed elevated susceptibility to lipid peroxidation and lesioned plasma and acrosomal membranes. It was in this segment that we also observed the migration of cytoplasmic droplet and the beginning of the acquisition of motility, and negative correlation between distal droplet and susceptibility to peroxidation. In samples from the caput, there was a positive correlation between ROS production and ATP levels, and high PMM; and negative correlation between SOD activity and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation in caput samples. No significant differences were observed in relation to mitochondrial membrane potential (PMM) and SOD and GPx activity among the different segments.By means of the main results, we could suggest that cells present ...