For a probability measure Q on Wiener space, Talagrand's transport inequality takes the form WH(Q, P ) 2 ≤ 2H(Q|P ), where the Wasserstein distance WH is defined in terms of the Cameron-Martin norm, and where H(Q|P ) denotes the relative entropy with respect to Wiener measure P . Talagrand's original proof takes a bottom-up approach, using finite-dimensional approximations. As shown by Feyel and Üstünel in [3] and Lehec in [10], the inequality can also be proved directly on Wiener space, using a suitable coupling of Q and P . We show how this top-down approach can be extended beyond the absolutely continuous case Q P . Here the Wasserstein distance is defined in terms of quadratic variation, and H(Q|P ) is replaced by the specific relative entropy h(Q|P ) on Wiener space that was introduced by N. Gantert in [7].