This study attempts to answer the question whether the Kirala Lumpur Stock Exchange (K1,SE) is itzformationally efficient with respect to both money and output. The Information Efficient Market ([EM) hypothesis is tested using the Johansen-Juselius multivariate cointegration approach. Stock prices are proxied by the Composite, Industrial, Finance, Property, Platztation and Tit1 indices. The measures of money supply used include the narrowly defined MI and broadly defined M2. Output is proxied by the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The empirical results suggest that the stock market is informationally inefficient with respect to M2 and output. ABSTRAK Kajian ini cuba menjawab soalan samada Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur (KLSE) adalah cekap dari segi maklumat penawaran wang dan output. Hipotesis "Information Eficient Market" diuji metzggutzakatz pendekatatz multivariat Johansen-Juselius. Harga-harga saham diproksi oleh indeks Komposit, Perindustrian, Kewatzgan, Harta, Perladattgan dun Timall. Penawaran wang yang digunakan dalam kajian ini termas~rk MI and M2. Output pula diwakili oleh Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasnr Betzar (KI).VKI. Keputusan empirikal kajian ini tnenut~jukkan bahawa pasaran suham tersebut adalali kurang cekap dari segi maklutnat penawaratz wang !M2 dan output.