Anorectal hemangioma is a rare and frequently misdiagnosed cause of lower gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Here, we present a minimally invasive therapy with selective embolization.
A 21-year-old male patient experienced painless rectal bleeding since childhood and was treated for ulcerative colitis. Diagnostic studies later revealed specific characteristics for vascular lesions-anorectal hemangiomas. The severity of rectal bleeding caused symptomatic anemia and possible surgical treatment was associated with a high risk of fecal incontinence. Here, we present selective embolization, a minimally invasive therapeutic approach that is proven as an alternative therapeutic method of choice. The patient significantly improved temporarily and had a small ischemic ulcer, which healed with a control colonoscopy and developed no stenosis.
Awareness of the clinical and radiological features of GI hemangiomas may help improve diagnostics and avoid inappropriate therapeutic procedures.