The study of bubbles and bubbly flows is important in various fields such as physics, chemistry, medicine, geophysics, and even the food industry. A wide variety of mechanical and acoustic techniques have been reported for bubble generation. Although a single bubble may be generated with these techniques, controlling the size and the mean lifetime of the bubble remains a difficult task. Most of the optical methods for generation of microbubbles involve high-power pulsed laser sources focused in absorbing media such as liquids or particle solutions. With these techniques, single micron-sized bubbles can be generated with typical mean lifetimes ranging from nano to microseconds. The main problem with these bubbles is their abrupt implosion: this produces a shock wave that can potentially produce damages on the surroundings. These effects have to be carefully controlled in biological applications and in laser surgery, but thus far, not many options are available to effectively control micron-size bubble growth. In this paper, we present a new technique to generate microbubbles in non-absorbing liquids. In contrast to previous reports, the proposed technique uses low-power and a CW radiation from a laser diode. The laser light is guided through an optical fiber whose output end has been coated with nanostructures. Upon immersing the tip of the fiber in ethanol or water, micron-size bubbles can be readily generated. With this technique, bubble growth can be controlled through adjustments on the laser power. We have obtained micron-sized bubbles with mean lifetimes in the range of seconds. Furthermore, the generated bubbles do not implode, as verified with a high-speed camera and flow visualization techniques.