We have incorporated spin-orbit coupling into the Aubry-André model of tight-binding electron motion in the presence of periodic potential with a period incommensurate with lattice constant. This model is known to exhibit an insulator-metal transition upon increasing the hopping amplitude. Without external magnetic field, spin-orbit coupling leads to a simple renormalization of the hopping amplitude. However, when the degeneracy of the on-site energies is lifted by an external magnetic field, the interplay of Zeeman splitting and spin-orbit coupling has a strong effect on the localization length. We studied this interplay numerically by calculating the energy dependence of the Lyapunov exponent in the insulating regime. Numerical results can be unambiguously interpreted in the language of the phase-space trajectories. As a first step, we have explained the plateau in the energy dependence of the localization length in the original Aubry-André model. Our main finding is that a very weak spin-orbit coupling leads to delocalization of states with energies smaller than the Zeeman shift. The origin of the effect is the spin-orbit-induced opening of new transport channels. We have also found that restructuring of the phase-space trajectories, which takes place at certain energies in the insulating regime, causes a singularity in the energy dependence of the localization length. PACS numbers: 73.50.-h, 75.47.-m arXiv:1801.00305v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]