As a novel class of potential ligands, chiral olefin ligands have attracted much attention. Chiral olefin ligands exhibit higher activity and selectivity than the traditional nitrogen, phosphine, oxide ligands in some reactions, and solved some problems that other ligands could not do. To enhance the coordination of the olefin ligands and the metal, heteroatoms were introduced to its backbone, several hybrid olefin ligands have been developed to increase the diversity of the ligands for further expanding the application of chiral olefin ligands. In this review, the recent advances in the development of chiral diene ligands, chiral phosphine olefin ligands and chiral sulfur olefin ligands, and their application in transition-metal catalyzed asymmetric reactions are reviewed. Keywords chiral olefin ligand; asymmetric catalysis; chiral diene ligand; chiral P/alkene ligand; chiral S/alkene ligand2, 在铱催 化的烯丙基碳酸酯的动力学拆分反应中也得到了优秀 的结果. 从此手性烯烃配体的开发引起了化学家们的重 视, 围绕着不对称催化而设计的手性烯烃配体陆续出 现, 在诱导不对称催化反应中取得很好的效果. 这些手 性双烯配体在有些反应中甚至表现出比传统氮、磷、氧 配体更高的活性和选择性, 实现了一些利用其它类型配 体难以实现的化学转化, 由此可见, 手性烯烃配体是一 类具有重要应用前景的新型配体. 林国强院士在这一领 域也做出了突出的贡献. 2007 年, 林国强小组 [4a] 报道了 新型的 C 2 对称的手性[3.3.0]环戊二烯骨架的双烯配体