Leishmania is an obligatorily intracellular parasite residing and replicating in mammalian macrophages as amastigotes. Once activated, macrophages destroy Leishmania amastigotes. The macrophages can be activated by stimulating CD40, a costimulatory receptor, with an agonistic antibody or a recombinant CD40-ligand. CD40-induced macrophage activation involves different kinases. CD40 signals reciprocally trigger counteractive effector functions through two mitogen-activated protein kinases: p38MAPK and ERK-1/2. The reciprocity stems from two basic mechanisms. First, CD40 signalosomes in detergent-resistant, cholesterol-rich membrane domains or in detergent-soluble, cholesterol-poor membrane domains trigger p38MAPK or ERK-1/2 activation, respectively. Second, the signaling intermediates that carry the CD40 signals from these two membrane domains are organized in two modules. These intermediates can crosscheck the strength of CD40 signals in each of the bimodular pathways to reroute the signal accordingly. Quantitative analysis reveals that the bimodular architecture of the kinase network is endowed with several properties such as reciprocity, plasticity, and the ability to adjust signal strength in each of the modules. As an evasion strategy, Leishmania inhibits the kinases Lyn, PI3 K, PKCb and p38 MAPK that are used by the host cell to eliminate the parasite, whereas it promotes the activity of Syk, Raf-1, PKC-f and ERK-1/2 that are required for parasite survival. Targeting these kinases -syk, PKCz and ERK-1/2 -resulted in host-protection in a susceptible mouse strain. In this chapter, a novel CD40 signaling system is described that organizes kinases bimodularly to trigger reciprocal and adaptable signals working at the interface of the host and the parasite.