We studied the morphologic, immunohistochemical, and clinical characteristics of 158 cases of lymphoblastic lymphoma. Based on immunophenotyping and cell lineage, cases were classified into B-cell type (CD20,CD19 or CD79a+, n = 53), T-cell type (surface CD3+, n = 84), and non-B, non-T type (B cell marker- and surface CD3-, n = 21). The latter group was further divided based on immunohistochemistry into: 1) CD7+ stem cell lymphoma (CD7+SCL) [CD4-, CD7+, CD33+/-, CD56-], 2) blastic natural killer cell lymphoma (B-NKL) [CD4-, CD7+/-, CD33-, CD56+, CD123-], 3) myeloid/NK precursor cell leukemia (M/NKL) [CD4-, CD7+, CD33+, CD56+], and 4) CD4+CD56+ hematodermic malignancy (CD4+CD56+) type [CD4+, CD7+/-, CD33-, CD56+, CD123+]. The CD7+SCL and M/NKL types frequently exhibited bone marrow invasion and mediastinal masses. All CD4+CD56+ types were associated with skin lesions. B-NKL type is included into Blastic NK lymphoma in new World Health Organization classification with CD4+CD56+ type. But the cases of B-NKL were more reminiscent of CD7+SCL or M/NKL type than the CD4+CD56+ type, both clinically and histologically. We propose that blastic NK lymphoma, a disease entity in the new WHO classification, should be divided into two types based on phenotypes and clinical features. The non-B, non-T lymphomas exhibited poorer prognoses, similar to that of B-cell lymphomas, than T-cell type tumors (P = 0.009). Among the 21 tumors, the prognosis of the four subtypes did not differ significantly; however, cases receiving aggressive chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation had a more favorable prognosis than those receiving only traditional chemotherapy and radiation therapy (P = 0.0089).