The control of lymphoid homeostasis is the result of a very fine balance between lymphocyte production, proliferation, and apoptosis. Here, we focused on the role of T cells in the maintenance/survival of the mature naïve peripheral B cell population. We show that naïve B and T cells interact via the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) family receptor, SLAMF6. This interaction induces cell type specific signals in both cell types, mediated by the SLAM-associated protein (SAP) family of adaptors. This signaling results in an upregulation of the expression of the cytokine MIF in the T cells and augmented expression of its receptor CD74 on the B-cell counterparts, consequently enhancing B-cell survival. Furthermore, in XLP patients, SAP deficiency reduces CD74 expression resulting in the perturbation of B cell maintenance from the naïve stage. Thus, naïve T cells regulate B cell survival in a SLAMF6 and SAP dependent manner.