The small Ras-related GTPase, TC10, has been classiÂŽed on the basis of sequence homology to be a member of the Rho family. This family, which includes the Rho, Rac and CDC42 subfamilies, has been shown to regulate a variety of apparently diverse cellular processes such as actin cytoskeletal organization, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades, cell cycle progression and transformation. In order to begin a study of TC10 biological function, we expressed wild type and various mutant forms of this protein in mammalian cells and investigated both the intracellular localization of the expressed proteins and their abilities to stimulate known Rho family-associated processes. Wild type TC10 was located predominantly in the cell membrane (apparently in the same regions as actin ÂŽlaments), GTPase defective (75L) and GTP-binding defective (31N) mutants were located predominantly in cytoplasmic perinuclear regions, and a deletion mutant lacking the carboxyl terminal residues required for posttranslational prenylation was located predominantly in the nucleus. The GTPase defective (constitutively active) TC10 mutant: (1) stimulated the formation of long ÂŽlopodia; (2) activated c-Jun amino terminal kinase (JNK); (3) activated serum response factor (SRF)-dependent transcription; (4) activated NF-kB-dependent transcription; and (5) synergized with an activated Rafkinase (Raf-CAAX) to transform NIH3T3 cells. In addition, wild type TC10 function is required for full HRas transforming potential. We demonstrate that an intact e ector domain and carboxyl terminal prenylation signal are required for proper TC10 function and that TC10 signals to at least two separable downstream target pathways. In addition, TC10 interacted with the actin-binding and ÂŽlament-forming protein, proÂŽlin, in both a two-hybrid cDNA library screen, and an in vitro binding assay. Taken together, these data support a classiÂŽcation of TC10 as a member of the Rho family, and in particular, suggest that TC10 functions to regulate cellular signaling to the actin cytoskeleton and processes associated with cell growth.