The observed flavor-changing neutral-current (FCNC) processes in the standard model (SM) arise from the loop diagrams involving the weak charged currents mediated by the W -gauge boson.Nevertheless, the top-quark FCNCs and lepton-flavor violating processes resulting from the same mechanism are highly suppressed. We investigate possible new physics effects that can enhance the suppressed FCNC processes, such as t → q(h, V ) with V = γ, Z, g, h →, and → γ.To achieve the assumption that the induced-FCNCs are all from quantum loops, we consider the scotogenic mechanism, where a Z 2 symmetry is introduced and only new particles carry an odd Z 2 parity. With the extension of the SM to include an inert Higgs doublet, an inert charged Higgs singlet, a vector-like singlet quark, and two neutral leptons, it is found that, with relevant constraints taken into account, the t → c(h, Z), h → µτ , and τ → γ decays can be enhanced up to the expected sensitivities in experiments. The branching ratios of h → µ + µ − /τ + τ − from only new physics effects can reach up to O(10 −3 ). Intriguingly, the resulting muon g − 2 can fit the combined data within 2σ errors, whereas the electron g − 2 can have either sign with a magnitude of O(10 −13 − 10 −12 ). In addition, we examine the oblique parameters in the model and find that the resulting W -mass anomaly observed by CDF II can be accommodated.