diboson and diphoton excesses at LHC are interpreted to be connected with heavy W W zero spin resonances. The resonances appears due to the wouldbe anomalous triple interaction of the weak bosons, which is defined by well-known coupling constant λ. The 2 T eV anomaly tentatively corresponds to weak isotopic spin 2 scalar state and the γγ 750 GeV anomaly corresponds to weak isotopic spin 0 pseudoscalar state. We obtain estimates for the effect, which qualitatively agree with ATLAS data. Effects are predicted in a production of W + W − , (Z, γ)(Z, γ) via resonance X P S with M P S ≃ 750 GeV , which could be reliably checked at the upgraded LHC at √ s = 13 T eV . In the framework of an approach to the spontaneous generation of the triple anomalous interaction its coupling constant is estimated to be λ = − 0.02 ± 0.005 in an agreement with existing restrictions. Specific predictions of the hypothesis are significant effects in decay channels X P S → γ l + l − , X P S → l + l − l + l − (l = e, µ).Keywords: anomalous triple boson interaction; W-ball; spontaneous generation of an effective interaction.