AndreBergmann,J ohannesGrabis,M irianaV adala, Alexei Nefedov,K urt Westerholt, Hartmut Zabel Ruhr-UniversitätBochum,B ochum,G ermany Heuslerfilmsand multilayers: X-rayresonantmagneticscattering and polarized neutron reflectivity studieson the relation betweenstructureand magnetism Dedicated toProfessorDr.ReinerKirchheim on the occasion of his6 5 th birthdayWehavestudied the structuralpropertiesand the magnetizationd ensity profilesin multilayers of the Heuslerphase Co 2 MnGewiththree differents pacerlayers:V ,A u,a nd AlO x ,using hardX-rayscattering,softX-rayresonantmagneticscattering,and polarized neutron reflectivity.Wehave found thatt he spacerlayerhasasignificanteffecton the magnetization profile of the Co 2 MnGel ayer.Inall cases the interlayers atthe top and the bottom of the Heuslerlayer exhibitareduced magneticmoment,the thickness of which dependson the spacerlayerand increasesfrom 0.5 nm for V, to0.6nm forAuand 1nmforAlO x .