Traditional global emission inventories classify primary
emissions into nonvolatile organic carbon and volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), excluding intermediate-volatility and semivolatile organic
compounds (IVOCs and SVOCs, respectively), which are important precursors
of secondary organic aerosols. This study establishes the first global
anthropogenic full-volatility organic emission inventory with chemically
speciated or volatility-binned emission factors. The emissions of
extremely low/low-volatility organic compounds (xLVOCs), SVOCs, IVOCs,
and VOCs in 2015 were 13.2, 10.1, 23.3, and 120.5 Mt, respectively.
The full-volatility framework fills a gap of 18.5 Mt I/S/xLVOCs compared
with the traditional framework. Volatile chemical products (VCPs),
domestic combustion, and on-road transportation sources were dominant
contributors to full-volatility emissions, accounting for 30, 30,
and 12%, respectively. The VCP and on-road transportation sectors
were the main contributors to IVOCs and VOCs. The key emitting regions
included Africa, India, Southeast Asia, China, Europe, and the United
States, among which China, Europe, and the United States emitted higher
proportions of IVOCs and VOCs owing to the use of cleaner fuel in
domestic combustion and more intense emissions from VCPs and on-road
transportation activities. The findings contribute to a better understanding
of the impact of organic emissions on global air pollution and climate