“…In studies with cytology fixed in formalin, that is, excluding studies with nonformalin or mixed formalin/nonformalin fixation, the concordance with paired histological specimens was 81–82% (333–336/410 cases) at cutoff 1% and 88–89% (316–317/358 cases) at cutoff 50% based on 7 studies [38, 39, 48, 50, 58, 60, 62]. If instead, only including studies with cytology fixed in nonformalin fixatives, excluding mixed formalin/nonformalin fixation, the concordance with paired histological specimens was 79–81% (500–512/633 cases) at cutoff 1% and 88–89% (554–565/633 cases) at cutoff 50% based on 9 studies including the Lund cohort from the present study [41, 45, 46, 49, 52, 55, 56, 62].…”