SUMMARYAccess control for group communications must ensure that only legitimate users can access the authorised data streams. This could be done by distributing an encrypting key to each member of the group to be secured. To achieve a high level of security, the group key should be changed every time a user joins or leaves the group, so that a former group member has no access to current communications and a new member has no access to previous communications. Since group memberships could be very dynamic, the group key should be changed frequently. So far, different schemes for efficient key distribution have been proposed to limit the key-distribution overhead. In previous works, the performance comparison among these different schemes have been based on simulative experiments, where users join and leave secure groups according to a basic statistical model of users' behaviour. In this paper, we propose a new statistical model to account for the behaviour of users and compare it to the modelling approach so far adopted in the literature. Our new model is able to to lead the system to a steady state (allowing a superior statistical confidence of the results), as opposed to current models in which the system is permanently in a transient and diverging state. We also provide analytical formulations of the main performance metrics usually adopted to evaluate key distribution systems, such as rekey overheads and storage overheads. Then, we validate our simulative outcomes with results obtained by analytical formulations.