We have utilized antibody probes to examine the expression of DNA topoisomerases I and II and chromosome scaffold protein Sc-2 in normal and transformed cells. Neither topoisomerase I nor Sc-2 shows significant fluctuations in content or stability across the cell cycle. In contrast, topoisomerase II undergoes significant cell cycle-dependent alterations in both amount and stability. As cells progress from mitosis into G1, much of the topoisomerase II is degraded. During the first 2 hr of G1, the half life of topoisomerase II is decreased from that measured in asynchronous cell populations by a factor of 7. This suggests that the chromosome condensation/decondensation cycle is coupled to a parallel cycle of synthesis and degradation of topoisomerase II. In control experiments, we also found that the half-life of topoisomerase II is shorter in normal cells than in transformed cells by a factor of 4. Since the number of copies of topoisomerase II per cell is also lower in normal cells, this suggests that control of topoisomerase II stability is altered upon transformation. The stability of topoisomerase I and Sc-2 does not differ significantly between normal and transformed cells. (6)(7)(8).Topoisomerase I is apparently not a structural protein, as it is extractable from chromatin at relatively low ionic strength (9) and is distributed throughout the large =100-kilobase (kb) chromatin loops of the mitotic chromosome (5). In addition, topoisomerase I is not essential for growth in yeast (6,10,11).Assays of topoisomerase II activity both in cell-free extracts and in vivo suggested that enzyme levels are greater in proliferating cells than in their quiescent counterparts (12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17). Quantitative immunological methods demonstrated that topoisomerase II is rapidly lost upon cessation of mitotic activity in either immature erythroblasts or myoblasts (18), thus confirming that the enzyme is a specific and sensitive marker for cell proliferation. Topoisomerase I, on the other hand, is present in many different quiescent cell types (12, 18).The disappearance of topoisomerase II upon the cessation of mitotic activity suggested to us that the transition from mitosis to interphase might be accompanied by facilitated degradation of this protein. Therefore, we have used antibody probes to examine the expression and stability of the enzyme across the cell cycle, with particular emphasis on the period surrounding mitosis. As controls, we performed parallel studies on topoisomerase I and on Sc-2, a 135-kDa polypeptide that is the second most abundant component of the mitotic chromosome-scaffold fraction (19). The results indicate that the transition from mitosis into the subsequent G1 phase is accompanied by a dramatic decrease in the stability of topoisomerase II (but not topoisomerase I or Sc-2). These observations suggest that degradation of topoisomerase II may be intimately associated with the process of chromosome decondensation. tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed.