Both ethanol and hexanol inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli, but their effects on the organization and composition of the cell envelope were quite different. Hexanol (7.8 x 10-3 mM) increased membrane fluidity, whereas ethanol (0.67 M) had little effect. During growth in the presence of ethanol, the proportion ofunsaturated fatty acids increased. The opposite change was induced by hexanol. Unlike hexanol, growth in the presence of ethanol resulted in the production of un-cross-linked peptidoglycan with subsequent lysis. Salt (0.3 M) protected cells against ethanol-induced lysis but potentiated growth inhibition by hexanol. Mutants isolated for resistance to ethanol-induced lysis synthesized cross-linked peptidoglycan during growth in the presence of ethanol but remained sensitive to hexanol. A general hypothesis was presented to explain the differential effects of ethanol and hexanol. All alcohols are viewed as sinmilar in having both an apolar chain capable of interacting with hydrophobic environments and a hydroxyl function capable of hydrogen bonding. The differential effects of short-chain alcohols may represent effects due to the high molar concentrations of hydrogen bonding groups with an apolar end within the environment. These may replace bound water in some cases. With longer-chain alcohols such as hexanol, the effects of the acyl chain would dominate, and limitations of solubility and cellular integrity would mask these hydroxyl effects.