Salmonid cryptobiosis is caused by the haemoflagellate, Cryptobia
salmositica. Clinical signs of the disease in salmon (Oncorhynchus
spp.) include exophthalmia, general oedema, abdominal distension
with ascites, anaemia, and anorexia. The disease-causing factor is
a metalloprotease and the monoclonal antibody (mAb-001) against it is therapeutic.
MAb-001 does not fix complement but agglutinates the parasite. Some brook charr,
Salvelinus fontinalis cannot be infected (Cryptobia-resistant); this resistance is
controlled by a dominant Mendelian locus and is inherited. In Cryptobia-resistant charr the
pathogen is lysed via the Alternative Pathway of Complement Activation. However,
some charr can be infected and they have high parasitaemias with no disease
(Cryptobia-tolerant). In infected Cryptobia-tolerant charr the metalloprotease is
neutralized by a natural antiprotease, α2 macroglobulin. Two vaccines have been developed.
A single dose of the attenuated vaccine protects 100% of salmonids (juveniles and adults) for at least 24 months.
Complement fixing antibody production and cell-mediated response
in vaccinated fish rise significantly after challenge. Fish
injected with the DNA vaccine initially have slight anaemias but
they recover and have agglutinating antibodies. On challenge,
DNA-vaccinated fish have lower parasitaemias, delayed peak
parasitaemias and faster recoveries. Isometamidium chloride is
therapeutic against the pathogen and its effectiveness is
increased after conjugation to antibodies.