Organisms carry out processes necessary for the maintenance of life on many time scales [1]. Not all possible cellular processes are compatible, so either temporal or spatial separation of activity is required [2]. Temporal coordination is provided by biological clocks such as the circadian [2,3] and circahoralian (with periods, T, of $ 1 h) [4][5][6][7][8][9], both of which are known to function in a wide variety of organisms [10,11]. Other oscillatory phenomena observed in yeast cultures include cell-cycle-dependent oscillations [12][13][14][15], a collective behavior, and the well-known glycolytic oscillations [16][17][18][19]. There are other rhythms in eukaryotic cells which have not thus far been observed in continuous culture systems, such as mitochondrial ion transport [20][21][22][23][24] and calcium oscillations [25,26]. Mitochondrial oscillations have been observed in single yeast cells [27] although, to our knowledge, calcium oscillations have not. It is not clear if the former have any physiological role although calcium oscillations are now known to exercise a number of functions in metabolism [28], cell division [29][30][31], and differentiation and development [32][33][34].The study of biological rhythms in continuous culture systems has important advantages over other techniques. First, oscillations can be studied under constant chemical and physical conditions, the rhythm itself notwithstanding. Second, long-term experiments can be undertaken, which is particularly important for slow rhythms, but also allows the very large amounts of data required by some mathematical analyses to be collected. Among possible continuous culture model organisms, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae stands out due to its ability to synchronize its metabolic state across the population in a relatively short period, and We monitored a continuous culture of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by membrane-inlet mass spectrometry. This technique allows very rapid simultaneous measurements (one point every 12 s) of several dissolved gases. During our experiment, the culture exhibited a multioscillatory mode in which the dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide records displayed periodicities of 13 h, 36 min and 4 min. The 36-and 4-min modes were not visible at all times, but returned at regular intervals during the 13-h cycle. The 4-min mode, which has not previously been described in continuous culture, can also be seen when the culture displays simpler oscillatory behavior. The data can be used to visualize a metabolic attractor of this system, i.e. the set of dissolved gas concentrations which are consistent with the multioscillatory state. Computation of the leading Lyapunov exponent reveals the dynamics on this attractor to be chaotic.Abbreviations DO, dissolved oxygen; IBI, interbeat interval; MIMS, membrane-inlet mass spectrometry; PSD, power spectral density.