10Previously, we discovered that in glucose-limited yeast colonies, metabolic constraints drive cells into 11 groups exhibiting gluconeogenic and glycolytic metabolic states. Here, threshold amounts of trehalose -12 a limiting, produced resource, controls the emergence and self-organization of the cells exhibiting the 13 glycolytic state, by acting as a carbon source to fuel these metabolic demands (Varahan et al., 2019). We 14 now discover that the plasticity of use of a non-limiting resource, aspartate, controls both resource 15 production and the emergence of heterogeneous cell states, based on differential cellular metabolic 16 budgeting. In gluconeogenic cells, aspartate provides carbon for trehalose production, while in glycolytic 17 cells using trehalose for carbon, aspartate supplies nitrogen to drive nucleotide synthesis. This metabolic 18 plasticity of aspartate enables carbon-nitrogen budgeting, thereby driving the biochemical self-19 organization of distinct cell states. Through this organization, cells in each state exhibit true division of 20 labor, providing bet-hedging and growth/survival advantages for the whole community. 21 22 discovered that metabolic constraints are sufficient to enable the emergence and maintenance of cells 47 in specialized biochemical states within a clonal yeast community (Varahan et al., 2019). Remarkably, 48 this occurs through a simple, self-organized biochemical system. In yeast growing in low glucose, cells 49 are predominantly gluconeogenic. As the colony matures, groups of cells exhibiting glycolytic 50 metabolism emerge with spatial organization. Strikingly, this occurs through the production (via 51 gluconeogenesis) and accumulation of a limiting metabolic resource, trehalose. As this resource builds 52 up, some cells spontaneously switch to utilizing trehalose for carbon, which then drives a glycolytic 53 state. This also depletes the resource, and therefore a self-organized system of trehalose producers and 54 utilizers establish themselves, enabling structured phenotypic heterogeneity (Varahan et al., 2019). 55This observation raises a deeper question, of how such groups of heterogeneous cells can sustain 56 themselves in this self-organized biochemical system. In particular, is it sufficient to only have the build-57 up of this limiting, controlling resource? How are carbon and nitrogen requirements balanced within the 58 cells in the heterogeneous states? In this study, we uncover how a non-limiting resource with plasticity 59 in function can control the organization of this entire system. We find that the amino acid aspartate, 60 through distinct use of its carbon or nitrogen backbone, enables the emergence and organization of 61 heterogeneous cells. In gluconeogenic cells, aspartate is utilized in order to produce the limiting carbon 62 resource, trehalose, which in turn is utilized by other cells that switch to and stabilize in a glycolytic 63 state. Combining biochemical, computational modeling and analytical approaches, we find that 64 aspartate is diff...